New to Kickstarter
New to Kickstarter? Here's how you back a game:
Looking to support one of our Kickstarter campaigns? Follow the link provided to our Kickstarter crowdfunding page. On this new page, look to the right-hand side of this page at the top and click “BACK THIS PROJECT”. This will allow you to choose your pledge. You can either support us without a reward, or pick one of the reward options listed. Once you pick one, you will have the option to click CONTINUE.
If you don't have a Kickstarter account already, you will be prompted to create one. All you will need to do this is your name, email, and a password that you wish to use. Enter those credentials and hit the CREATE ACCOUNT button. Write this information down somewhere so that you can log back into this page at a later date if needed.
You will have the option to “ADD-ON” additional copies of Hamsters vs. Hippos if you want them, along with other titles available from Tin Robot Games. Once complete, you will go to the payment booking page.
This page is where you enter your Credit Card info (don't worry, it is secure with Kickstarter) and click the PLEDGE button.
YOUR CREDIT CARD WILL NOT BE CHARGED until the end of our campaign in 30 days, and only if we reach our goal. You can log back into at any point to change your pledge up until the campaign closes.
You should received 2 emails; one to confirm your email address & account (please do this). The other should be confirmation of your pledge!
Shipping and taxes vary by country, therefore we will collect these at the end of our campaign. An email will go out at that point with a survey from one of our affiliates to collect those fees.
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